Friday, May 13, 2011

Post 1

As you all know, I am Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus. I worked for Trajan, Hadrian, and possibly Pliny the Younger, who was my friend. After I was fired by Hadrian I wrote biographies. My most popular surviving book is called The Twelve Caesars. In the book were biographies of all the emperors from Julius to Domition. I also wrote biographies on Grammarians, Rhetorics, Poets, and Historians. Unfortunately, most of my books were destroyed.


  1. Hello, you apparently, wrote about my attempts to kill my mother. I wish that you will accept me as a friend, but not as an enemy or as a friend.

    Friend Request?

  2. Thank you for requestiong to be friends with me Suetonius. I gladly accept and will add you to my friend library!

  3. Suetonius, I have heard some nasty rumors you have been spreading about my adultery and Tiberius' had a low opinion of my character during our marriage. Have you been spreading them? Or was I simply misinformed.

    Primary Source:

    Suetonius. "The 12 Caesars"

  4. It is truth. In my book, I do mention that your adultery and low status with Tiberius.

    No author. Julia the Elder. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    This secondary source talks about Julia the Elder and mentions Suetonius.
